A day in the life….Ronald Alfred Olar

Ronald Alfred Olar is the Vice Rector Academics at Kigali Institute of Management. Below is how he goes on with his day-to-day activities;I wake up at 5:30a.m and listen to the morning news both local and international. At around 6, I am out of bed and have breakfast before dropping my wife off at her work place.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ronald Alfred Olar is the Vice Rector Academics at Kigali Institute of Management.

Below is how he goes on with his day-to-day activities;
I wake up at 5:30a.m and listen to the morning news both local and international. At around 6, I am out of bed and have breakfast before dropping my wife off at her work place.

By 8a.m, am at the office. I say a prayer before checking my mails. I respond to what is urgent and start the day’s program.

Among other activities, my work is to make sure the school implements its policies as planned. This involves keeping an eye on the teaching schedule especially concerning daily lecture operations.

At around 10a.m, I move around the school to make sure both the lecturers and students are in their respective classes.

I normally have lunch at 2p.m. In the afternoon, I spend time planning to ensure that our policies are up to date.

The official time to leave office is 6p.m but I sometimes leave beyond that. However, by 8p.m, I am home. I listen to the evening news and have supper. I normally say a prayer before going to bed at around 10p.m.

Photo G Mogoya