Business Perspective: Business acumen skills important

I was very impressed last week when I was called to be informed about the latest promotions on air fare from our very own national carrier RwandAir. With the new Boeing, the management saw it fit to put the introduction air fares so as to attract the clients.

Sunday, September 25, 2011
a manager guiding his team

I was very impressed last week when I was called to be informed about the latest promotions on air fare from our very own national carrier RwandAir.

With the new Boeing, the management saw it fit to put the introduction air fares so as to attract the clients.

I must say it was a very bold and clever decision made at this time when people need to fly to whatever destinations but at a cheaper price because of the scarcity of money.

The competition is now very tough and it is up to the business owners, managers or even CEO’s to devise ways to keep their business afloat even if it means surviving on a minimal profit margin.

Not many CEO’s can make such a decision at a time like this. This kind of decision is made by persons who have business acumen skills- for them to be able to see far. Business acumen skills are essential things needed in order to become a successful businessman or leader in an organization.

However, it is not something that businessmen and leaders are born with. It is something that is gained and honed through experience and sometimes through trainings.

A leader of an organisation who has business acumen skills will always have certain qualities and you will only be able to tell by the way the company is conducting its business.

These are people who have the ability to focus, especially during crucial times. Imagine at a time like this when there is shortage of money, yet the CEO of RwandAir saw a need to reduce airfare.

This way they will make little profit on the turnover and on the flip side the planes will not go to whatever destinations empty.

A person with business acumen skills has the ability to understand the business as a whole and, at the same time, be able to gauge competitors’ capabilities while making sure he or she is ahead of them at least a step at a time.

How many CEO’s of airlines have thought of such a thing especially at a time like this?

Any business executive that leads a company and has business acumen skills will have the ability to storm any weather.

These are people who hurdle all obstacles thrown their way without as much as saying or even lifting a finger to blame anyone or have reason to give excuses. They always have a way of solving even the most difficult issue.

People with business acumen skills are usually confident men and women, and that is why they are always successful, because without confidence in oneself it is very difficult to lead an organisation or any other business for that matter.

Doing good business means taking risks almost all the time even at a time like this when money is scarce.

It is crucial for a businessman or any business executive leading an organisation to have a keen sense of business acumen to be able to take his or her business to the next level all the time that is why this week I salute the CEO of RwandAir, John Mirenge.