Church delivers Christians out of poverty

SOUTHERN PROVINCE RUHANGO — Over 800 Christians of the Pentecostal Church of Mukingi recently held a binding fete to celebrate their church’s role in stemming poverty from Christians. The celebrations commonly known as Ubusabane were held at Church premises in Byimana sector.

Friday, March 21, 2008


RUHANGO — Over 800 Christians of the Pentecostal Church of Mukingi recently held a binding fete to celebrate their church’s role in stemming poverty from Christians. The celebrations commonly known as Ubusabane were held at Church premises in Byimana sector.

"These Christians have managed to work hard towards development through cooperatives. They have saved Frw3million through basket weaving, piggery and cultivating cash crops like cassava and coffee,” said Pastor JMV Kalisa.

Kalisa added that the projects were supported by the African Evangelistic Enterprise (AEE), a non governmental organisation that supports church -income generating projects, and human rights awareness in Rwanda.

During the celebrations, Christians lauded AEE and Pentecostal Church leaders for the development drive. They appealed to the leaders to provide them training in micro project management, to boost their poverty eradication efforts.

"Through combined efforts, I have been able to meet my health insurance costs and daily requirements unlike when I used to work alone. This move has enabled most of us to support families and halt the dependence syndrome,” Pelagia Mukankubana, a mother of three said.

Despite the achievements, some Christians observed that ignorance and illiteracy has been a major impediment to poverty eradication in the area. They appealed to the church to intervene in sensitizing the community on hard work and education.

They noted that poverty eradication has been incorporated in daily sermons among Christians, but said the campaign should target all community residents regardless of religious affiliation.
