High moral ideals needed during Easter season

WESTERN PROVICE KIBUYE — Scores of Christians this week stepped up a campaign against immoral ideals by  abandoning alcohol in preparation for the Easter celebrations. Many who are self-employed stopped their work n Thursday, so as to make appropriate preparations for the big day.

Friday, March 21, 2008


KIBUYE — Scores of Christians this week stepped up a campaign against immoral ideals by  abandoning alcohol in preparation for the Easter celebrations. Many who are self-employed stopped their work n Thursday, so as to make appropriate preparations for the big day.

"I need to get at least two days to reflect upon the pains that Jesus went through for my sins. So I will break off and resume after Easter,” a trader fondly called Mama Keza said. She says she offers free sweets to her customers in order to put them in the Easter mood.

By Thursday evening, drinkers had also reduced their normal drinking habits, claiming that it’s impure to take toxic substances yet Good Friday should find one pure.

"Since Good Friday is the day when Jesus was subjected to the greatest suffering, I suspended my drinking on that day, I might resume after Easter,” says Faustin Mugenzi.

He also owns a small bar but closed it for a while. He says he can’t stand drawing people into sin towards Easter. Meanwhile, churches have taken a step in drawing their sheep back to Christ.

Some churches like the Anglican Church have stepped up evening services. The Christians have been assigned different responsibilities like reciting bible verses, preaching about Jesus’ suffering while he was being crucified. Christians who talked to The New Times say their faith in Christ had been strengthened through evening mass.

"Someone dying for you is a very great thing. In the past three days we have learnt to avoid sins because it is like leading him [Jesus] back to the cross,” said one Christian found returning from evening fellowship.

Meanwhile, prices of food stuffs and utensils increased slightly due to the Easter season. A kilogram of tomatoes rose by Frw50 from Frw200, while a kilo of Sambaza, a common delicacy in Kibuye rose to Frw800 from Frw600.

"Basically during Easter season I stock lots of commodities like rice, vegetables and cooking oil,” said Mado Mushime. She said she makes on average Frw30,000 a day during the Easter season.

"My target commodities during the holy week are saucepans. I make sure I stock a lot of them in whole sale,” said another trader.

However, residents said they were not affected by the price hikes as it has been the norm during this season. Talking to The New Times, scores of residents said they had different plans for the big day [Easter Sunday].

"I will spend the night at church singing until morning,” said Mado. Others have plans of visiting their relations and friends they have taken long without visiting.

"I intend to go to Cyangugu tomorrow [yesterday] to spend Easter with my grand mother whom I last saw in 2007,” said another woman fondly called Mama Etienne.
