Sensitize the populace about the dangers of diabetes

Dear Editor, Unlike many other diseases, diabetes takes long to be identified as such it causes considerable health hazards. Virtually most people live with diabetes.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Dear Editor,

Unlike many other diseases, diabetes takes long to be identified as such it causes considerable health hazards. Virtually most people live with diabetes.

It is therefore important that massive campaign towards the importance of having earlier tests be carried out so as to ascertain whether people are living with it or not.

The association of the diabetics in Rwanda has always appealed to the public to establish their status as a better way in the fight against the disease.

One of the measures that can be taken to combat the disease is having proper regimens, physical exercises and periodical medical check ups.

Despite the fact that there are qualified personnel to treat diabetes, it is better if someone managed the disease himself with advice from the professionals.

As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure, strong advocacy towards the fight against the disease should be emphasised.

Unfortunately, diabetes is grossly underrated, thus rendering it a more lethal effect.

International federation for diabetes (IDF) does a lot in fighting the silent killer in conjunction with Rwanda association for the diabetics commonly known as La fraternite, to highlight the pain that is endured as a result of diabetes.

The most urgent step therefore as per mobilization, is the training of the physicians who have to help in addressing such urgent issue.

However it would be better if fees diabetes test was scrapped off so as to encourage people go for the test.
