Rwanda’s Peacekeepers are exemplary

Rwanda, despite its chaotic history has been at the fore front of contributing to peace around the world.This has been depicted especially through the Peacekeeping missions that Rwanda is involved in since 2005.

Thursday, September 22, 2011
Rwanda's Peacekeeping troops are an example of timely intervention in unstable zones.

Rwanda, despite its chaotic history has been at the fore front of contributing to peace around the world.

This has been depicted especially through the Peacekeeping missions that Rwanda is involved in since 2005.

Earlier during this week, Rwanda celebrated the International Day of Peace with the rest of the world. Rwanda joined the globe in marking the Peace Day through a walk that stretched from Kigali Business Centre (KBC) to Kimihurura and back to Amahoro National stadium.

Rwandan Peacekeepers are deployed in different UN Nations Missions with an aim of restoring peace to countries that aren’t privileged to enjoy it.

By creating the International Day of Peace, the UN committed itself to worldwide peace and encouraged people to work as a team to achieve this goal.

It has grown to include millions of people worldwide and many events are organized each year to commemorate and celebrate this day.

Rwanda National Police Spokesman Theos Badege, had something to say.

"Rwanda currently has 413 Peacekeepers in different countries including Haiti, Sudan, Liberia and Southern Sudan,” said Badege.

"Rwanda has been involved in peacekeeping missions since 2005. It has since then deployed over 900 Police Officers to different Peacekeeping missions,” he explained.

As stated by Badege, Rwanda ranked top in having the most number of female contribution to peacekeeping missions. Rwanda also took the eighth position in general contribution to peacekeeping missions in a recent UN report.

Badege said that Rwanda is so far doing a great job in Peacekeeping and will continue doing so.

"We are so proud of our countrymen who have selflessly accepted to be part of the people that strive to restore peace in different nations,” added Badege.

Rwanda has had a terrible history comprised of suffering, pain, trauma and death; millions have gone through the intense pain of living without peace. It is startling that they are among those that are out there to restore peace in the world.

Rwandan people are doing a great job especially because they have been there and know what exactly it feels like to live without tranquility.

This country also boosts of a disciplined and committed team of police officers that deserve credit. It’s not an easy decision to make to go and live in a place you are sure is insecure. It’s a huge sacrifice!

It is with great pride that these countrymen have gone beyond our nation to serve our brothers in different nations with a purpose of restoring peace.