Training in criminal investigations commendable

Editor,Allow me through your newspaper to comment on the article that appeared in the yesterday’s issue of The New Times titled: “50 trained in criminal investigations.” First and foremost, police can never sustain a case against a criminal without adequate investigation.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Allow me through your newspaper to comment on the article that appeared in the yesterday’s issue of The New Times titled: "50 trained in criminal investigations.” First and foremost, police can never sustain a case against a criminal without adequate investigation.

On a number of occasions, the world over, we have witnessed cases that are thrown out of court because the prosecution has failed to come up with admissible and convincing evidence.

Furthermore, there are people who are innocently convicted because of loop holes in the process such as relying on witness accounts.  I remember a case in 2009 where one person tried to frame a relative. But after deeper investigations, it was discovered that the relative was being victimized because of a land conflict.

I totally agree with the vision to professionalize through equipping officers with skills that will help bring down crime.

Andrew Nyavumba