Feature: Safe motherhood is a community concern

While relaxing at home during my short holiday, I listened to the radio and heard something that has triggered me to write this article.This experience has left me awed and I surely could not do without sharing it.This was something to do with the separation of the Siamese twins whose parents were helpless, poor and could not raise the large sums of money for their babies’ operation.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

While relaxing at home during my short holiday, I listened to the radio and heard something that has triggered me to write this article. This experience has left me awed and I surely could not do without sharing it.

This was something to do with the separation of the Siamese twins whose parents were helpless, poor and could not raise the large sums of money for their babies’ operation. These parents had come to the end of the road—they had lost hope.

Great thanks to White Ribbon Alliance for safe motherhood-Uganda (WRA-U) which decided to call upon people who were willing to raise funds for the sake of the family.

To my surprise even the least expected people such as motorcyclists tried their best to give even the little they had for this good cause.

This made me conclude that there are always all kinds of people in the community; there are those who will not care about who and what goes on around while there are those few who will try to do their best for the good of the society—these are the ‘inkoramutima’ – literally meaning ‘those who touch the heart’ so to call them.

Tomorrow is unpredictable and by helping save these innocent babies’ lives, we are saving the country’s next generation, which generation will yield into future leaders. And by saving the mothers, we are saving our nations.

When one decides to offer help, they should not expect a reward, it should be done out of good will. No one knows what tomorrow holds for them, God forbid but one could certainly find oneself in even a bigger problem.

So, whom do you turn to? Let’s get down to reality, we need each other and one good turn deserves another. This is the rule in all kinds of relationships; work, family, friendships or even marriages, treat one like you would love to treated and you will definitely sail through life smoothly.

Nobody can live solely and they are happy, it is impossible. We need each other daily; when we are happy, we need someone to share with our happiness, this makes life worth living.

Ever imagined a world without a family, a friend, or a neighbor? Where would your help come from?

This should then give us reason to think and value the people in our lives. I mean those who are there when in time of need, those who can offer a shoulder to cry on. Those who keep hope alive in us.

After all is said and done, we should keep it in mind that advocating for safe motherhood should not only be left to the different organizations, parents, midwives and other health workers, but rather be a concern of the community like it was in this case.
