Neighbour Diaries: small World indeed

So, I really like going back to my flat. To be specific, I like going to the flat next to mine. My flat has way too much mathematics in it, and it doesn’t have Becky. With Becky, I can forget for the time being that I live in my girlfriend’s flat.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

So, I really like going back to my flat. To be specific, I like going to the flat next to mine. My flat has way too much mathematics in it, and it doesn’t have Becky. With Becky, I can forget for the time being that I live in my girlfriend’s flat.

She actually owns the flat, although she still stays home with her parents. But ever since meeting Becky, I don’t really dwell on my current state.

I swear I have never met anyone as nice as this girl. Whatever it is that makes her that nice, all humans should get a dose of it. For the first few days, I thought she was just being nice because I was her "new neighbour”, although I had been living there for a month, keeping to myself.

But then even after a week, she was still the same sweet person, and I began to believe that she might not be putting on a show for me. For the past one week, after work, I have been rushing home, to go see Becky.

And she is always happy to see me, asking about how my day was, and all those little questions that actually do make a difference. 

Of course she could be one very good actress, but that would be one hell of an act. In simple terms, she has me hooked, but hooked in a nice way, not like alcohol which leaves you with headaches and hangovers.

For this girl, it is this warm feeling, all day long… wait a minute; I’m sounding like I am in love, am I not? No, I am not. I have just checked. I just like her big deal.

Jojo came over last evening. She came with her big sister, and yeah, there was that awkwardness of, "hey, I am your kid sister’s boyfriend and I live in her house.”

To make it worse, Jojo’s sister, Martha seemed to be checking me out for some particular reason. She kept asking really personal questions, and at some point I felt like telling her to mind her own business.

But, well, they were my visitors, and, they own the flat I am staying in. So, I had to be nice. But all the time they were there, my mind was actually next door. I could hardly wait for them to leave so that I could go and visit Becky. I hadn’t seen her that whole day, and well, I needed my daily dose of "Becky Charm”. 

Jojo sensed I wasn’t really present, and pretending to go looking for something in my bedroom, she signaled me to follow her. In the bedroom, she asked me what was up! She caught me off guard.

I didn’t know what to tell her, so I cooked up some story about work stress. She surprised me by offering me a job. Her father’s bank needed a manager, and she could get me the job.

Now that was way too high for me; I had no idea about banks, and absolutely no idea about management, and I told her I couldn’t do such a job. But she said it wasn’t hard to adapt.

Not wanting to be rash about my decision, I told her I would think about it. Then she surprised me again when she hugged me, for a long time.

Well, I had forgotten about that part; Jojo is my girlfriend, and it is normal for a boyfriend and girlfriend to hug.  Still my mind was in the next flat with Becky. 

Martha seemed to have got what she wanted from me, because she stopped asking me questions, and we pretended to have an ordinary conversation.

Martha was an exact replica of Jojo, almost like twins, and it seems the same inquisitive, plotting scheming character runs in the whole family.

Martha probably knew about my arrangement with Jojo, and had probably come to check me out, see if I was a fit Boyfriend for her kid sis.

Jojo and Becky left soon after, telling me they had to go visit their cousins who lived nearby. As soon as they left, I run next door.

And guess who I found there; Jojo and Martha! In fact, Jojo is the one who opened the door! Becky is the cousin Jojo had been talking about! Small world indeed!
