Farmers urged to utilize the planting season.

Farmers have been called upon to prepare for season ‘A’ since it’s the most productive season.This was announced during the Crop Intensification Program Press Conference which was chaired by the MINAGRI Permanent Secretary, Ernest Ruzindaza.

Saturday, September 17, 2011
Farmers have been advised to start planting. The Sunday Times /File

Farmers have been called upon to prepare for season ‘A’ since it’s the most productive season.

This was announced during the Crop Intensification Program Press Conference which was chaired by the MINAGRI Permanent Secretary, Ernest Ruzindaza.

The Permanent Secretary urged the farmers to prepare their land and start planting since it’s the season, so they can harvest at the right time.

"Farmers should consolidate their land as well. We shall extend the available services to them which include giving them good quality seeds and fertilizers, so they can produce quality foods thus increasing their income as well,” he said.

He called on farmers who need fertilizers to register so they can be included in the MINAGRI database.

Ruzindaza added that MINAGRI was also encouraging farmers to embark on mechanization because it is faster and more effective.

He said that those who could afford the machines can buy or borrow from the Kigali centre though he said some are already available in some districts.

Innocent Musabyimana, the Deputy Director General of Rwanda Agricultural Board, stated that Season ‘A’ is the most important part of Agriculture when the rains are good for planting.

He urged farmers to prepare, plant, harvest and store together so as to find market together as well.

He further called upon them to join cooperatives so they can easily find markets for their produce because it’s hard to find market as an individual.

Musabyimana added that the government will be paying 50% for the organic fertilizers of the priority crops which include maize, wheat and beans.

"Farmers will be contributing 50% while the government will cover the rest. This is to encourage the farmers to be committed, have increased and quality production,” Musabyimana said.

He added that they are also linking farmers to processing units like maize millers so they can process, add value and earn income from their produce.
