Regional vets meet over trans-border diseases

KIGALI - Veterinary officers from East and Horn of Africa met in Kigali, last week, to discuss the cause of animal diseases and getting a common approach of preventing the transmission of disease from cross borders.The meeting resolved to form a regional communication centre.

Saturday, September 17, 2011
Animal movements can lead to transborder disease spread. The Sunday Times /File

KIGALI - Veterinary officers from East and Horn of Africa met in Kigali, last week, to discuss the cause of animal diseases and getting a common approach of preventing the transmission of disease from cross borders.

The meeting resolved to form a regional communication centre.

The centre will consist of technical veterinary doctors who will be distributing information concerning the status of trans-boundary animal diseases in all the member countries.

Veterinary experts believe failure to share information on existence of the diseases is the main factor that has caused the transmission of diseases in several countries.

The centre whose location is yet to be decided on, will be obliged to research and know if there is any outbreak and then distribute information to member countries for them to put up preventive measures.

The Deputy Director General of the Rwanda Animal Resources Development Authority (RARDA), Dr Christine Kanyandekwe, acknowledged that there are some dangerous diseases that need to be known immediately, adding that the centre was a crucial initiative.

"We have discovered that there are critical diseases like foot and mouth, rabies and African swine fever that need much attention. That’s why we have agreed to formulate the regional communication strategy to help us in sharing information on these diseases,” she said.

Dr Deusdedit Kajojo Tinuga, an epidemiologist, disclosed in an interview that it was helpful to harmonize the approaches and share information on the current situation of disease in member countries.

"We are supposed to come together and harmonize our preventive measures. For example, if in case a disease is reported in Tanzania, Rwanda has to know and put all the possible measures at the borders to prevent this problem crossing over,” he noted.

He also pointed out that it would be prudent to hold monthly border meetings to discuss how to manage certain diseases in case they broke out.

Dr Mohamoud Hassan Ali Jabra, an epidemiologist from Somalia, described fighting the transmission of disease as a regional concern saying that if such diseases are to be eliminated the whole region must consolidate efforts.

"We have many diseases; for example, in Somalia we have foot and mouth disease, Rabies and Newcastle, therefore it’s a regional concern, we must combine efforts to fight them. These diseases do not need passports or visas to go to other countries, it will affect us all,” he warned.

Participants also recommended that the African Union, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and other stakeholders provide assistance like equipment and trainings in order to eliminate disease.
