New FA boss to be elected on Oct. 22

RWANDA football federation, Ferwafa will choose by ballot its new president on October 22, according to recommendations the federation’s extra-ordinary general assembly which sat yesterday in Remera, a city suburb.The general assembly which attracted all members of the local football body, accepted the resignation of former FA president by Brig. Gen. Jean Bosco Kazura.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

RWANDA football federation, Ferwafa will choose by ballot its new president on October 22, according to recommendations the federation’s extra-ordinary general assembly which sat yesterday in Remera, a city suburb.

The general assembly which attracted all members of the local football body, accepted the resignation of former FA president by Brig. Gen. Jean Bosco Kazura.

"Laws in the legal statute which govern the local football body stipulate that the federation can meet after one month to elect a successor.

‘We reached a decision that elections should be held on October 22 and interested candidates can start handing in their CVs,” said the federation vice president Raoul Gisanura, who will be the care-taker temporarily.

Gisanura also noted that 15 days prior to the election date, the federation will announce names of candidates interested in the president’s post.

He hailed his former boss Kazura for his expertise in guiding Ferwafa to different successes and urged him to continue playing a role in the development of football in the country.

Meanwhile, Jules Kalisa will continue acting as the Chief Executive Officer in a transition period which lasts until October 14.

The executive committee will appoint a new CEO on October 25 after re-advertising the post to the general public for interested candidates.

Kazura resigned as the president of Ferwafa on September 12 due to personal reasons and two days later executive committee terminated Kalisa’s contract on mutual consent.
