I hate people who…

…are annoyingly gender insensitive in their speech. We all know that Rwanda ranks high up there when it comes to uplifting women.We even come first as far as women representation in parliament in concerned.This is why I want the parliament to pass a law allowing the police to arrest anyone who thinks the word ‘man’ can be used as some form of punctuation during a Kinyarwanda conversation. Umva man, ariko man.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

…are annoyingly gender insensitive in their speech. We all know that Rwanda ranks high up there when it comes to uplifting women. We even come first as far as women representation in parliament in concerned. This is why I want the parliament to pass a law allowing the police to arrest anyone who thinks the word ‘man’ can be used as some form of punctuation during a Kinyarwanda conversation. Umva man, ariko man.

A full sentence can even go like; Umva man wambwiye opposite ya woman man? These fools need an education urgently. Hating them is not enough. I am sure the women parliamentarians will support the law I have proposed.

…talk nonsense while you are watching a movie with them. I wish the operators of movie cinemas could immediately chase out the idiots who say stuff like, "Wow did you see that?” No, loser, I paid to come to the cinema to stare at the damn floor! These full time idiots think they are the only ones with eyes.

They think they are some kind of cinema guides yet they are the ones who need to be guided on how to keep their mouths shut and their eyes on the screen.

I have a rule at my place if you say such nonsense I stop the movie and open the door so you can leave. I have no time for such jokers in my life.

…enjoy threatening those of us who are still alive.  I have growing beef for people who just can’t stop using the meaningless phrase, "Life is short”. What the hell are you trying to mean life is short.

Ok tell me what is longer than life? Life is simply the longest damn thing anyone ever does! Is this not simple logic or it is you with simple minds.

There is no manual on how we should use our life while we still have it so quit this nonsense of life is short. So what? After all even a life insurance policy does not make it any longer so stay quiet!

…give lame excuses for not communicating on phone. Do you realise that when someone owes you money they will come up with many kinds of excuses just to extend the time of paying you back? What is annoying is that many of the excuses they come up with just serve to prove that you lent the money to a brainless broke fellow.

These guys are not shy to tell you, "Nari nashizemo Tigo”. So what if you had switched to Tigo? Does it mean you cannot communicate simply because you switched to another SIM card? And what did you do when you switched back to MTN and saw my missed call?

…sit in the wrong commuter taxi and blame anyone but themselves. I know they say ignorance is no defence when it comes to the law. I just wish it also applied to being slapped by The Hater.

What else should I do if a guy who sat in the wrong taxi starts loudly blaming the conductor and driver as if he was simply kidnapped and placed in the taxi? No wonder these jokers do not live in my neighbourhood.

I wonder where they come from where being stupid is acceptable. Next time ask before you get onto the bus otherwise no one will be on your side when my palm violently meets your cheek. Don’t say I did not warn you.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293