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Cyclists lay down dev’t strategiesThe local cycling federation has laid down a three year strategic plan that will be followed in developing the sport to meet international standards.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The local cycling federation has laid down a three year strategic plan that will be followed in developing the sport to meet international standards.

This was revealed by Rwanda Cycling Federation (RCF)’s president Aimable Bayingana at a press conference held at Amahoro indoor stadium to highlight their plans to develop the sport in the country.

Bayingana used the occasion to hail Team Rwanda for its good performances in international events, particularly at the recently concluded Ivory Coast Peace Tour.

The Tour attracted 75 cyclists from the top 10 African countries and five professional teams from different European countries. Team Rwanda finished 11th overall.

"We have been invited in many international events since the start of the year and of the two (events) that Rwanda has participated in, we’ve managed to do well," Baingana said, before disclosing that, "We also want to organize two events in which we hope to invite professional cyclists".

The new committee has started off their three-year term of office by opening up the first formal fully fledged federation offices at Amahoro Stadium a permanent secretary.

As part of their developmental strategies, the new office bearers have plans of having the famous Tour de Rwanda event on the international calendar, starting next year.

Also, they have plans to host an international Mount Bike championship by the 2011. Rwanda is ranked 4th on Africa’s Mount Bike rankings.

Recently, the Tour de Rwanda, an annual event has attracted less foreign participants, something that has been attributed to poor organization however, Bayingana refuted such claims.

And also, Team Rwanda has in the last two years or so been distanced from the federation in a way some reasons, but Baingana said that is history now.

He said the federation and Team Rwanda under umbrella of Project Rwanda need to work together if their plans are ever going to pay off. He applauded the Ministry of Sports for considering cycling as a national sport.

Project Rwanda is an NGO founded by an American called Tom Richy whose goal is to rebrand Rwanda’s image to the outside world through cycling.

Project Rwanda sponsored coach, Jack Boyl, is the new RCF technical director, replacing Faustin Mparabanyi who’s taken up the role of senior adviser.

The federation Secretary General, Thierry Rwabusaza, who alongside Boyl accompanied Team Rwanda to Ivory Coast, applauded its performance.

"People could not believe the performance of the Rwandan team. Amateurs performing the way they did against professionals was a surprise to many," Rwabusaza said, adding that, "International sponsors have already started showing interest".

He revealed that one, Laurent Filos, a Spanish who owns a cycling training center in his native Spain, is already interested in hosting some cyclists and centers in South Africa and Sweden are willing to send instructors to Rwanda to help the cyclists improve.

Boyl said Rwandans are naturally talented and only need more exposure at the international level and better training to be world beaters.

"Their level of performance has gone up fifty percent and all they need is better equipment, more international competitions and of course sponsorship," he noted.

Meanwhile, registration for the 4th edition of Tour de Kigali scheduled for tomorrow is underway at the federation premises.
