Over 1400 complete adult literacy classes

 EASTERN PROVINCE GATSIBO — At least 1416 people who attended an adult literacy programme from five sectors across Gatsibo district, were this Tuesday awarded certificates after completing 12 months of training.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


GATSIBO — At least 1416 people who attended an adult literacy programme from five sectors across Gatsibo district, were this Tuesday awarded certificates after completing 12 months of training.

Most of the participants were women.

Presiding over the function, the district Mayor John Murego, thanked the successful participants and the implementers of the programme.

"All those who made it possible for these men and women to acquire reading, writing and counting skills have done a great job because high literacy levels translate into development right from the sector levels," he said.

Murego also urged residents and their leaders to adopt the culture of reading. He promised to avail newspapers to all the sectors in the district.

The programme was jointly facilitated by Byumba Diocese and CARE International. At least 34 adult schools have been formed in the five sectors of Muhura, Gatsibo, Remera, Nyagihanga and Kageyo targeting mostly women.

Previously, illiteracy levels among women in the area were estimated at over 43%.

It was noted that scores of those who had enrolled in the programme failed to complete the course due to different reasons like sickness, shifting to settle in other areas, while some abandoned due to the long distances between the school and their homes.

The best students were given blankets, sauce pans, hoes, plates and water jars.

Music, dance and drama performed by different troupes highlighted the event which was attended by hundreds of residents.

The best two performing groups were awarded items which included shoes, drums, and drama costumes worth about Frw1.5 million. The last two were given cash prizes of Frw100,000, and Frw50.000 respectively.
