When the world turns round

Have you let your beauty, wealth, achievement or talent make you think you are super human, immortal or so, to the level that you view other people as worthless and therefore don’t deserve any respect?Tread carefully or else, you are headed for self-destruction because no one is the master of this earth. Living in a world of uncertainty, one can never tell how things will turn out; what was on top can get down, the weak can get strong and the poor, rich and vice versa –all in an instant.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Have you let your beauty, wealth, achievement or talent make you think you are super human, immortal or so, to the level that you view other people as worthless and therefore don’t deserve any respect?

Tread carefully or else, you are headed for self-destruction because no one is the master of this earth. Living in a world of uncertainty, one can never tell how things will turn out; what was on top can get down, the weak can get strong and the poor, rich and vice versa –all in an instant.

So if you have been spitting in the face of your house-boy (or any other servant) instead of "a good morning”, this is the time to reconsider your conduct, because any time, tables can turn and the underdog goes on top then you are  subjected to the same treatment.

Back in high school, Jennifer was a proud and arrogant girl, who despised everybody especially the less-privileged. Cooks, guards; school shamba boys, poor students so on and so forth, became regular victims of her vulgar screams, sneering and insults.

She thought she mattered most and so expected VIP-treatment from others. The gullible ones bent low while those who tried to be assertive either earned themselves shouts of insults or slaps. Long story cut short, she created the "untouchable” atmosphere around herself.

Annet, a classmate, for no sensible reason became the centre of her hatred and arrogance particularly. Jennifer plus her clique of other girls conspired to make her life hell; they spilled filthy sewage on her bed while she was away reading (or doing something else), worked against all her missions and interests including stealing and hiding her books so she could fail exams.

Annet became tormented and confused, and therefore her performance deteriorated academically and socially - thanks to their evil plot – They (Jennifer and her peers) jubilated in response to their productive efforts.

Annet’s poor performance became sequential; it transitioned from bad to worse and she ended her high school life miserable and frustrated.

Many years later, Jennifer got involved in a fatal motor accident and was rushed to the nearest hospital. With thorough head and neck injuries, she was in comma and therefore desperately needed life saving help.

At the hospital, it was quickly resolved that a head surgery was necessary if her life was to be redeemed and therefore was quickly wheeled on a stretcher to the theatre. The only head surgeon at the hospitable, for some reason, wasn’t around and so she was called in and fortunately appeared fast enough.

Standing over the unconscious body of her client and armed with all the necessary equipment. The surgeon looked closely at Jennifer’s face; suddenly, ugly memories flashed in her mind (the surgeon’s) and stood motionless for over ten minutes. Annet was the surgeon.
