I hate people who…

…still stare at any white person they see. It is a little understandable to see a young child staring at a Mzungu but outright annoying if an adult indulges in the same pastime.Haven’t you seen a mzungu before? There are always white people in Kigali and other major towns, as well as villages. So there is no reason for you to suspend your thinking and stop to stare at a Mzungu as if they are from another planet.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

…still stare at any white person they see.
It is a little understandable to see a young child staring at a Mzungu but outright annoying if an adult indulges in the same pastime.

Haven’t you seen a mzungu before?
There are always white people in Kigali and other major towns, as well as villages. So there is no reason for you to suspend your thinking and stop to stare at a Mzungu as if they are from another planet.

If you do not have better things to do then I think you should come to my home. Yeah I have some dishes you can wash instead of staring until saliva drools from your mouth. Grow up!

…think they can multitask in my time.
It is a pity when some people take multitasking to a stupid level. Well it is amazing if you can do more than one thing at a time but please don’t try this in my time.

I am talking to all the brainless shopkeepers, receptionists and anyone who while in the office tries to divide time between attending to a client and watching what is on TV.

I am tired of asking you the price as you watch that annoying Spanish telenovela or worse still that boring Nigerian film about witchcraft again.

If you really wanted to watch TV then why did you not stay at home? People like you are lacking in civilisation and do not deserve to occupy some of these jobs.

…stupidly point to their wrist while asking for the time. I have noticed that some people simply have a hobby of exhibiting their foolishness on a daily basis. Don’t you just hate these broke part time thinkers who think that you don’t know where your watch is placed and yet they do not own one?

These guys really piss me off and one of these days they may find themselves in the casualty ward of a nearby hospital after a thorough beating from The Hater.

I am sure these are the same guys you may find pointing to their buttocks when they want directions to the nearest toilet. Get yourself a watch before your stupidity overwhelms you.

…say to me, "Can I ask you a question?”
Do these people even notice that they are talking to The Hater? For there is no way you would say such a no-brainer to me and expect me not to hate you.

That statement is already a question and I did not have a choice when you asked that one. If you did not give me a choice on the first question then why should I allow you to continue talking to me?

I really have better things to do than sit there and ask me questions pretending that I have a choice to be asked.

…ask obvious but annoying questions.
 There is no better way to expose stupidity than asking someone who you have found waiting for a bus a question like, "Has the bus come yet?” Dude if the bus came would I be here listening to your sickening questions?

I would have entered and been saved the company of a person with very little experience when it comes to thinking like you.

In fact now that you have asked such a silly question, I don’t think I can stand your presence even when the bus comes.

I am just going to take a motorcycle or another car just so that I can keep my distance from you. I still wonder why parliament has not amended the laws to allow me to occasionally administer a hot slap to such people.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293