Workplace motivation boosts employee performance

Motivation is an employee’s intrinsic enthusiasm that drives them to accomplish work activities.The success of any business depends largely on the motivation of the employees.In most cases, employee motivation is the combination of fulfilling needs and expectations to improve the productivity scale.

Thursday, September 08, 2011
Work performance is sometimes dependent on employee motivation. Net photo

Motivation is an employee’s intrinsic enthusiasm that drives them to accomplish work activities. The success of any business depends largely on the motivation of the employees.

In most cases, employee motivation is the combination of fulfilling needs and expectations to improve the productivity scale.  If the motivation scale is none existent then the workers become reluctant to get the job done.

Pierre Kayitana, Director of the Rwanda Cinema Center said that there is nothing great like being paid for a job well done.

"In great leadership a great team is portrayed if the team leader is hard working, his subordinates will be motivated. For instance, no employee will want to leave office if their boss is still working,” Kayitana advises.

"Motivation is required in everything even during a business transaction,” says Kayitana.

Employers need to understand that they have to create a work environment that motivates workers. Increased productivity depends on motivation.

This is a central target when adopting an incentive program.  Employee motivation is essential for the success of any company.

Motivated employees are productive, happy and committed.

Peter Rudasigwa an employee at an IT firm in Kigali says motivation at the work place is what enables employees to achieve their set goals.

"A positive perspective regarding one’s work is attained if workers are credited by their employers.  It also builds the workers self esteem and capability,” Rudasigwa emphasizes.

Sources of job dissatisfaction are usually associated with, unrealistic company policies, poor salaries and poor working conditions. Therefore employers should look into these indicators if they need to boost their businesses.