Healthy Woman: Working hard pays off

We all admire fame, wealth, attention and general wellbeing, but it’s important to know that it does not come obviously; a high cost has to be met. Those who have achieved that kind of life did not just fall there.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011
While some dream of sucess, others work hard at it. / Net photo

We all admire fame, wealth, attention and general wellbeing, but it’s important to know that it does not come obviously; a high cost has to be met. Those who have achieved that kind of life did not just fall there. They went through a lot of hustle, pain, restlessness, concentration and persistence.

All the world’s top billionaires are known to be workaholics; they sleep for less than six hours,  spend 10 hours each day working tirelessly, they are only comfortable when a task is accomplished, and make sure  it  is done up to its very last bit .

 It is ironic and unfortunate that the dangerously poor are the ones who have made over sleeping, relaxation and idleness their tradition.

It’s necessary to know that we are born in a world of problems, shortage, unfairness and uncertainty and so it is our obligation to invent solutions, create abundance and try to bring about justice and certainty. All this can be done through hard work.

All of us are on earth for a mission; consisting of an endless string of duties and responsibilities. So no one should ever sit back in resignation or relaxation, however big the size of their achievement. To achieve consistent success, one has to work hard without measure.

One of the chief reasons we were put on earth, is to make it a better place not only for ourselves, but for the generations to come also. And this can only be achieved through leaving our comfort zones and getting practical.

Some people have a belief that only the poor, orphans, widows and the like are the only ones who are supposed to work hard, this is a misplaced notion. With inflation rates hitting record highs all around the world; everyone is affected (rich or poor).

So it is important for even the well-off to work hard, so as to maintain their particular standards of living.

It is also important for one to know that to achieve any landmark in life, it takes a lot of motivation, persistence and slave-work. I have a favourite quote from an anonymous author and it goes like this, "some people dream of success, while some wake up and work hard at it.”

So where do you belong? Are you just a mere dreamer or are you a go-getter? Therefore, this calls for parents to teach their children the value of hard work as early as possible This is the only way they will grow up looking at it as an obligation.

This will therefore help them lead more meaningful lives and also set off a productive generation.