Let Students overcome genocide ideology from lessons

Dear Editor, It was amazing that the recent peaceful manifestation by the Kigali youth sports Club against genocide ideology, acted as an example to many students fenced by genocide ideology in different countries around the country.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dear Editor,

It was amazing that the recent peaceful manifestation by the Kigali youth sports Club against genocide ideology, acted as an example to many students fenced by genocide ideology in different countries around the country.

One time, I met one of the Holly Wood journalists who had come on a working visit to what he termed who told me that Rwanda was a very good country. He however wondered how its people shed blood.

When I related his concern with the recent parliamentary probe on the Genocide ideology that found its signs in some secondary Schools, I shuddered.

I would like to advise the entire Rwandan students to be mature and remove decomposed beans from new ones and stop following old people blindly.
