Let us help the Police in fighting thugs

  Dear editor’ I read with great dismay the death of a taxi driver, Augustine Bugingo who was found strangled on March 12. Recently, another elderly man, a teacher by profession was brutally killed in the Eastern province. Kigali city is one of the fastest growing cities in Africa. A country’s growth is driven by a strong private sector and not any other factor. The private sector both informal and formal should be protected.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dear editor’

I read with great dismay the death of a taxi driver, Augustine Bugingo who was found strangled on March 12. Recently, another elderly man, a teacher by profession was brutally killed in the Eastern province. Kigali city is one of the fastest growing cities in Africa. A country’s growth is driven by a strong private sector and not any other factor. The private sector both informal and formal should be protected.

The protection I mean here cannot only be ensured by security agencies alone abut the community too. Community policing, like it’s commonly referred to, is the best way of eliminating wrong elements in a community. Giving timely information about crime to security organs is the best way of helping to beef up security in any society. This is the simplest contribution any Rwandan can do in ensuring his or own safety. We need to keep our city safe, clean and most importantly attractive to the outside world.

We have a beautiful country with very hospitable people, but all this may mean nothing if we can’t safeguard it.

Gikondo Nyenyeri