St Leo’s old boys to build school in Karaganzi

EASTERN PROVINCE GATSIBO — Former students of St Leo’s College Kyegobe in Uganda, who are currently working in Rwanda, have said they want to build what they called a model primary school in Rwanda.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


GATSIBO — Former students of St Leo’s College Kyegobe in Uganda, who are currently working in Rwanda, have said they want to build what they called a model primary school in Rwanda.

This was announced last Sunday during the launching of the old boys association (SLODA) in Karangazi Sector, Nyagatare district, the proposed site of the school. Notable among the old boys were the Minister of Finance James Musoni, and the Mayor of Nyagatare Robert Kashemeza.

The chairman of the association, Peter Nkubura, said the association has competent members to execute their plan.

"This is an association formed by people who studied in a school known for its good academic performance and discipline. We intend to build a model school that will be among the best in the country because the members are people with innovative skills and experience," Nkubura said.

Speaking at the occasion, minister Musoni commended the members for coming up with the plan.

"The building of this school will enhance economic and social conditions of people living in this part of the country by improving human capacities," he said.

The association is made up of over 230 old boys including many government officials including the Minister of Local government, Protais Musoni, Brig. Gen. John Bagabo of the RDF and the deputy Commissioner of the Rwanda Revnue Authority, Eugene Torero.

Members of the association later visited the family of the late Steven Nzabakirira, former bursar at St Leo’s college who was viewed as mentor to most of the former students.

They donated two exotic cows to surviving family members in appreciation of his role. They were received by his daughter, Dr. Grace Kagwasi, also an old girl of the school who is currently working in Botswana.
