Cell leaders to get salary increment

EASTERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE — The Nyagatare District will increased the salary of Cell Executive Secretaries beginning next month, an official said.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


NYAGATARE — The Nyagatare District will increased the salary of Cell Executive Secretaries beginning next month, an official said.

The official who asked not to be named, said Cell leaders will smile all the way to the bank after the District agreed to increase their monthly salaries from Frw 30,000 to Frw 50,000.

The official claimed that the move was an outcome of pressure mounted by the cell leaders who had threatened to resign citing poor pay. There are about 106 Cell Executive Secretaries across Nyagatare district.

"The work is too demanding in terms of time and effort, yet we have been working for peanuts. Many times cell leaders have been making headlines, in the local media; being accused of corruption. It is likely because they earn very little yet a lot is demanded of them," the official said.

Anselme Majoro Rurangwa, the District vice Mayor for economic development, confirmed the salary increment saying the decision was endorsed by the district executive. He however denied it was out of pressure.

He explained that the decision was reached after considering the contribution of cell executive secretaries in the day-to-day administrative work.
