Millennium Village Project to spend Frw1.7 billion

EASTERN PROVINCE BUGESERA — The Millennium Village Project (MVP) will spend over Frw1.7billion in the millennium village of Mayange this year, the project coordinator has said

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


BUGESERA — The Millennium Village Project (MVP) will spend over Frw1.7billion in the millennium village of Mayange this year, the project coordinator has said.

Presenting the 2008 action plan before sector officials last Friday, Donald Ndahiro said the money will be injected in agriculture, environmental conservation, education, ICT, electrification, road construction, health and other developmental activities in the area.

He said about Frw153million will be allocated to agriculture and environmental protection, while Frw170million would go to education.

ICT will consume about Frw5.5million, sensitization and training activities will be allocated about Frw45million.

Water provision and supply will take Frw55million, while electrification and other related activities will consume about Frw124million. Business development will take about Frw17million, while health has been allocated about Frw172million.

According to Ndahiro, among the key areas to be tackled in health include training health workers and local communities on different health activities, equipping health centres, buying motorcycles for social workers, and constructing a laboratory and incinerator for Mayange Health Centre.
