Before you join that group

There’s a group of students you admire and you are falling over yourself to join, you’d do anything to belong to the group, to be like them and be seen with them. However, did you know that the social groups you choose often play a huge role in determining the kind of adult you will be when you grow up? Before you join that group, it’s only wise to first find out about them. Find out what their morals are before you hang out with them.  Some groups are destructive and nothing but a source of trouble. Choose your friends wisely. If you hang around people who share your values, chances are you will never be asked to do something you don’t want to do. If you are surrounded by others trying to do the right thing it will become much easier.

Monday, September 05, 2011
Teenagers can avoid joining the wrong peer groups. Net photo

There’s a group of students you admire and you are falling over yourself to join, you’d do anything to belong to the group, to be like them and be seen with them. However, did you know that the social groups you choose often play a huge role in determining the kind of adult you will be when you grow up?

Before you join that group, it’s only wise to first find out about them. Find out what their morals are before you hang out with them.  Some groups are destructive and nothing but a source of trouble. Choose your friends wisely. If you hang around people who share your values, chances are you will never be asked to do something you don’t want to do. If you are surrounded by others trying to do the right thing it will become much easier.

If you find yourself already caught up in a wrong group, don’t panic but again don’t change your behaviour just to fit in with this group.

Just be yourself. Learn how to say no. This is perhaps the most difficult thing in the world for many people to do, but it is an essential skill if you are to successfully fend off negative peer pressure.

Chances are that you were raised with morals and know right from wrong. When these teens are pressuring you into doing something you know is wrong, it may be hard to say no because you want so badly to be accepted. However, you need to weigh the pros and cons of being socially accepted and getting in some serious trouble.

Doing what everyone else does might look fun, but if you know it’s wrong, try to have the strength to say no. Always speak with confidence! Any signs of weakness and the person pressuring will continue until they have won the battle! Do not be harsh when you speak, just be firm and soon your friends will begin to respect your decisions.

But it will be wise to distance yourself from students who swear all the time, drink, smoke or involve in filthy habits. It is literally next to impossible to resist the constant temptation of these people if you are constantly hanging out with them.