“Life is An Ambush”

As our neighbours to the west normally say, “tambula na mokili, omona makambo”, literary translated to mean, “Walk the world and you see”!   So many things have happened in the past few months and days to the extentthat, I have tonnes and tonnes of stories to tell; there is the good news and the bad news, where can I begin? Most people prefer the bad news first and the good ones last.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

As our neighbours to the west normally say, "tambula na mokili, omona makambo”, literary translated to mean, "Walk the world and you see”!  

So many things have happened in the past few months and days to the extent
that, I have tonnes and tonnes of stories to tell; there is the good news and the bad news, where can I begin? Most people prefer the bad news first and the good ones last.

There was this sad news that left many of us lost for words, news about the passing away of none other than Mzee Haje Gashegu, he was a dedicated educationist that devoted much of his efforts in the educating of many Ugandan and Rwandese young men and women.  

In the 1980s, he was at the frontline to have as many Rwandese (then refugees) educated.  When I came under his kindness, he was the Headmaster for Kitante Hill School (referred to as République du Rwanda by its detractors); rumour had it that, he used to send away so many parents seeking for vacancies for their kids by saying, "go away, there are no vacancies, ariko, abanyumva, muzaze ejo (but those that hear me, come

He enrolled and helped many needy kids go to school and hence contributing towards their future! May God rest his soul in  Eternal Peace, Amen!
On a lesser sad phenomena, the AU (African Union) front runner, Col Muamar Gadafi or is it Kadafi woke up to the knocks of the so called TNC on the gates of his Capital Tripoli.  

I feel sad for the man who has spent so many years building his country and now, the very people he lived and is about to die for, have  "bamukarabiye mumaso” (washed their
faces for him) and left him to his own devices!  Some sources say that, he has gone in hiding inside his network of underground tunnels.  

Let us pray and hope that, he does not get "Saddam Hussienised” (being smoked
out of a Rat hole and eventually getting hanged)! Having helped to build so many mosques in Africa, contributed a lot to the African liberations, Africa has not been any much help to him.  Instead, many are praying he
gets arrested sooner than latter!  After shifting his allegency from the  Arab block to the African block and nurturing the dream of becoming the first president for the Unites States of Africa, a dream that is fast -waning! He leaves the African political scene, not alone but with his
generous pocket!  

If he was still in power, he could have most probably doled out tens of millions of dollars in aid of the famine stricken horn of Africa, but this is not the case but a mere supposition!
After helping our young King of Tooro kingdom rebuild his palace and acquire an education in the UK, now that his wallet has been frozen, where will our King get school fees for the next term!  

Let us hope that, the Tooro kingdom assets will not be frozen too!  On the happier note, the end of the Libyan civil war could signal the fall in world petroleum prices and of course the reduction of commodity prices that had suffered from the demand push inflation!  

You know, life is an ambush.  For everything that happens, there is always likely to be the negative and positive sides of the same.  I do not know whether the end of the DSK saga is a happy end or sad or both!  Do you remember the former IMF guru who tried to "chew” one of our sisters in New York city hotel?

He is called DSK, he has been acquitted and the case dismissed maybe because the learned Judges found that, his "Nyakatsi” had long expired to bite anyone!