Perfect Weekend….Kim Hitimana

Kim Hitimana is an upcoming solo musician who has managed to specialize in pope music, despite other activities including art and design work. Below is how he spends his weekend; My weekend starts on Friday evening at around 6p.m. I meet my friends in Nyamirambo and we head to Chocolate Restaurant in Kiyovu.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Kim Hitimana is an upcoming solo musician who has managed to specialize in pope music, despite other activities including art and design work. Below is how he spends his weekend;

My weekend starts on Friday evening at around 6p.m. I meet my friends in Nyamirambo and we head to Chocolate Restaurant in Kiyovu.

At this place, we meet with different people, interact and make new friends.

We enjoy with the company of music until each of us feels it’s time to head home.

On Saturday, I work half day and go home for lunch. Although not every weekend, I enjoy having plantain, rice and meat.

In the evening, my friends and I again meet in town. It may either be at Simba Super market or Horizon Gardens.

We spend two to three hours there and at around 10:30p.m, we go to Papyrus Bar and Restaurant in Kimihurura.

From the time we get there until we leave, it is all drink and dance. The place attracts people of all classes making it interesting. The music in this place is not so loud but just enough to entertain us and make us feel like it’s a weekend.

Time to leave is not known since it’s not permanent as it depends on who wants to leave.

Like any other Christian, on Sunday, I go for prayers until mid day. And after lunch, I spend time organizing for the next day. I have supper at around 9 and get to bed at 10.

Photo. G.Mugoya