Police arrest stone- throwing ‘hooligans’

Police have arrested two suspects; Pascal Hagenimana a.k.a Bogari and Augustin Iyamuremye, for alleged hooliganism in Kabeza village, Nyakabanda Sector in Kigali.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Police have arrested two suspects; Pascal Hagenimana a.k.a Bogari and Augustin Iyamuremye, for alleged hooliganism in Kabeza village, Nyakabanda Sector in Kigali.

The two suspects reportedly threw stones on people’s houses, including that belonging to Dr Etienne Ntangwirumugara a senior lecturer at Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST).

An emergency security meeting held Monday in the village, it was reported that the two suspects had allegedly thrown stones on about seven homes the previous night. The meeting was called by the Executive Secretary of Nyakabanda Sector, Aimable Munyaneza,

He said that the practice had caused insecurity in the sector and the grassroots leaders had decided to create a daily community patrol (Irondo).

"They have been throwing stones on our roofs late at night for over one month. They have even damaged my car," said the university don.

"One evening someone threw stones on my house and when I peeped out, I saw someone who resembles Bogari running away," Donatila Mahoro, a resident of Kabeza cell (at the security meeting that was convened by

Another resident, Matilda Uwimbabazi, a mother who had gone on a working mission in the USA rushed back home when one of her daughter was stoned.

"Actually Bogari used to be my night watchman," Uwimbabazi said in the meeting.

A police officer at the scene only identified as Rutayisire pointed out that the residents attacked were either survivors of the 1994 Genocide or those who returned to Rwanda from the neighbouring countries.
