Gicumbi District donates Frw 1.8 million to quake victims

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI—Leaders of Gicumbi district in the Northern Province last Friday donated Frw1, 800,000 to the victims of the recent earthquake in Rusizi district.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


RUSIZI—Leaders of Gicumbi district in the Northern Province last Friday donated Frw1, 800,000 to the victims of the recent earthquake in Rusizi district.

While handing over the money to Rusizi district leaders in Kamembe sector, Gicumbi Mayor Bonane Nyangezi, said the money was meant to improve the livelihood of the quake victims.

"Our district felt touched by the plight of the earthquake victims in Rusizi district. Helping these people should be everybody’s concern because they need different kinds of support," Mayor Nyangezi said.

Nyangezi further said that his district would donate more items such foodstuffs to residents in the two affected districts of Rusizi and Nyamasheke

Rusizi District Mayor, Jean Pierre Turatsinze, commended his Gicumbi counterpart, and other aid organisations like World Vision, Unicef, and World Relief for their support since the February quake

The Gicumbi delegation also visited some areas which were severely devastated by the quake including Nkombo secondary school and Nkanka Parish where about 13 lives were lost.

They later delivered the same amount of money to Nyamasheke district leaders; where they visited Shangi Secondary School which was destroyed by the earthquake.
