Frw 63 million to fight HIV/Aids in Gicumbi

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI— The National Aids Control Commission (CNLS) in conjunction with the Great Lakes Initiative on Aids (GLIA), last Friday signed a contract committing over Frw 63 million to step up HIV/Aids campaign in Gicumbi district.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


GICUMBI— The National Aids Control Commission (CNLS) in conjunction with the Great Lakes Initiative on Aids (GLIA), last Friday signed a contract committing over Frw 63 million to step up HIV/Aids campaign in Gicumbi district.

The contract was signed by Gicumbi district Mayor, Bonane Nyangezi, and Antoine Semukanya, deputy Executive Secretary of CNLS.

Semukanya said the funds would be used to the purchase medical equipment for maternity wards in the district health centres. He continued that part of the money would also be allocated to voluntary HIV counselling and testing and promote sporting activities among the youths.

Emmanuel Rusine of the GLIA said their organization was committed to combating the spread of HIV/Aids among member countries of Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, DR Congo, Tanzania and Burundi.

"GLIA is committed to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS in refugee camps, local communities and among long distance truck drivers," Rusine explained.

Mayor Nyangezi informed those present that the district would set up a radio station to step up the awareness campaign against the disease. He blamed the prevalence rate of Aids among residents to illiteracy.

"Illiteracy and ignorance are among the factors that contribute to the spread of AIDS in our communities," said Nyangezi. He noted that the Aids campaign should specially target the youth because the country needs their contribution to attain the Millennium Development Goals.
