Working conditions need to be looked into

Editor,Allow me to respond to Agnes Mutamba’s letter that appeared in yesterday’s issue of The Newtimes entitled: “Improve working conditions among all workers”.I Personally think that  Centrale des syndicats des travailleurs du Rwanda (CESTRAR) is not doing enough to help victimized employees.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Allow me to respond to Agnes Mutamba’s letter that appeared in yesterday’s issue of The Newtimes entitled: "Improve working conditions among all workers”.

I Personally think that  Centrale des syndicats des travailleurs du Rwanda (CESTRAR) is not doing enough to help victimized employees.

The workers get fired and never get their terminal benefits. Several former employees have lodged their cases with CESTRAR but nothing has been done. What is solved is a small percentage of cases.

Like Mutamba pointed out in her letter, several cases go to the office of the Ombudsman, but because the office handles so many cases, delays tend to occur. It sometimes takes months or even years before a solution is reached.

I suggest that the Ministry of Public Service and Labor put in place an independent team to work with other relevant bodies to address this problem once and for all.

The media too should pick interest in some of these cases, the plight of employees is of interest to us all.

Timothy Gasasira
Ngoma District