Improve working conditions among all workers

Editor, THE demand by the confederation of trade unions – Centrale des syndicats des travailleurs du Rwanda (CESTRAR) that employers improve the working conditions of miners countrywide is a legitimate concern which should immediately be implemented. The miners endure untold suffering on a daily basis.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


THE demand by the confederation of trade unions – Centrale des syndicats des travailleurs du Rwanda (CESTRAR) that employers improve the working conditions of miners countrywide is a legitimate concern which should immediately be implemented. The miners endure untold suffering on a daily basis.

Many miners lack protective gadgets and employers continue to violate their rights with impunity. However, improving working conditions should not exclusively focus on miners.

Employees both from private and public institutions face injustices.

Many cases registered at the office of the Ombudsman are related to unfair sacking of employees by their bosses. Investigations from the Ombudsman’s office in the past indicted that the majority of employees were fired maliciously. This practice must stop. Employees are human beings too, and without their services, the economy would come to a standstill

Officials from CESTRAR ought to work hand in hand with the Ombudsman’s office and other bodies to help employees gain their rights and live a decent life.

Agnes Mutamba