Easter wishes

What do Christians remember on 23rd March? What would you choose to eat if asked by your parents or guardians?

Monday, March 17, 2008

What do Christians remember on 23rd March? What would you choose to eat if asked by your parents or guardians?

Children had this to answer:

Rachel Kirenga, P.3

On this day, Christians remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ; I would prefer eating matooke, chips, rice and meat. Happy Ester to all my good friends!

Shinnan Kabendera, P.3

Every 23rd of March people remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On this day I would love to eat my favourite food and that is Irish potatoes, beans and chicken. Happy Easter to all those who know me!   

Ufitimbabazi Ruth, P.3

23rd March is Easter day, if given chance to choose my favourite foods; I would choose rice, posho and cabbages. My Easter greetings go to my lovely mother, dad and friends.

Kabera K. Kevin, P.1

23rd March is a special day when Jesus Christ raised from the dead. It is such a joyous day. If I was asked to choose what to eat, I would definitely say chips and chicken. Happy Easter to all my good friends including those I study with. 
