Editor, All Rwandans are equal before the law regardless of one’s life station. I was therefore impressed when I read in The New Times last week that a Member of Parliament, Alexandre Ashinzwuwera, lost his petition in the Supreme Court when he challenged his dismissal from the Chamber of Deputies following charges of misconduct.
All Rwandans are equal before the law regardless of one’s life station. I was therefore impressed when I read in The New Times last week that a Member of Parliament, Alexandre Ashinzwuwera, lost his petition in the Supreme Court when he challenged his dismissal from the Chamber of Deputies following charges of misconduct.
Being an MP does not give the individual freedom to move around beating up people. An MP is supposed to ensure the rule of law. It is outrageous when the same MP turns into a violator of the laws he helped put in place.
His punishment is a big lesson to all Rwandans, especially those who may want to use their positions to bend the law.
Reprimand on the part of our leaders must be severe. We cannot fight injustices in this country without restraining the very people who practise it. The integrity of our leaders must be beyond reproach.
I am not surprised that the law has caught up with this MP, since I have known that in Rwanda, the law is non-discriminatory. Senior leaders in government have been fired in the past over cases related to corruption.
Other people should borrow a leaf from Ashinzwuwera’s case. Long live our lawmakers who took action against this MP.
Frank Bahizi