Easter wishes

Elvin Mugeni, 6 I send my Easter greetings to both my parents, wishing them the best moments ever. Special wishes go to all my best friends.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Elvin Mugeni, 6

I send my Easter greetings to both my parents, wishing them the best moments ever. Special wishes go to all my best friends.

Ingrid Mugeni, 7

May this Easter day bring joy and happiness to all my parents, friends and relatives! Special regards go to mum and dad.

Eric Mugabo, 8

Easter day is a wonderful day. On this day, I would like to send my best wishes to my caring parents, relatives and friends.

Allen Shaka, 12

My Easter regards first go to my mummy, daddy, relatives and friends. I take this chance to wish my teachers too, a happy Easter day.

Mark Manzi, 7

I would like to send my Easter sweet melodies to my dear parents, relatives and all my good friends.

Nelson Rugira, 6

Happy Easter all of you good friends, may this special day bring you great joy and happiness. I love you all.

Junior Rwigamba, 11

My Easter wishes go to all my good friends and relatives in Kigali. Special wishes go to all my lovely parents. Dear parents I wish you the most joyful celebrations.
