E. Province youth acquire cooperative management skills

KAYONZA- Over 200 youth from 16 cooperatives in the districts of Kayonza Ngoma and Gatsibo, acquired cooperative management skills. The three-day training which ended yesterday was organised by Rwanda Rural Rehabilitation Initiative (RWARRI) to extend wide range of knowledge about laws governing cooperatives in Rwanda.

Sunday, August 28, 2011
Youth from three districts pose for a photo. The Sunday Times /S. Rwembeho

KAYONZA- Over 200 youth from 16 cooperatives in the districts of Kayonza Ngoma and Gatsibo, acquired cooperative management skills.

The three-day training which ended yesterday was organised by Rwanda Rural Rehabilitation Initiative (RWARRI) to extend wide range of knowledge about laws governing cooperatives in Rwanda.

Richard Kamuhanda, the Coordinator of Empowering Youth through cooperative development program, said the youth was expected, to properly manage their cooperatives after the training.

He said that members of cooperatives who benefited from the training, were expected to disseminate the knowledge to colleagues back in their respective sectors.

"The youth met various resourceful people who gave them enough skills to manage cooperatives. The awareness they have, will help them give their cooperatives the autonomy needed,” he said.

Charles Kayumba, a tailor, said that the training was expected to end mismanagement and corruption that characterised most of the cooperatives.

He said that most people were shying away from joining cooperatives because of their poor history.

"It is a sad reality that most of us had shied away from the cooperatives...leaders embezzled money leaving members in tears. But now we know our rights and it would be difficult for anyone to swindle our money,” he said.

Mediatrice Nyirarugo, a cassava grower in Rwinkwavu Sector, said that the training should be taken further to benefit great numbers.

"It would be difficult for us to train all members in our cooperatives. It is time consuming and requires money. But we are going to do our best to end ignorance...it is a long process,” she said.

The project was sponsored by the European Union (EU) through Plan Rwanda and RWARRI.
