Police impound vehicle carrying illicit liquor

GATSIBO-Police in Kabarore sector, Gatsibo District impounded vehicle carrying illicit liquor worth Rwf 4 million. According to Police, the vehicle, a taxi omnibus, Reg: RAB996E, was carrying 108 litres of Chief Waragi and other cartons of leading waragi and local gin commonly known as Kanyanga.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

GATSIBO-Police in Kabarore sector, Gatsibo District impounded vehicle carrying illicit liquor worth Rwf 4 million.

According to Police, the vehicle, a taxi omnibus, Reg: RAB996E, was carrying 108 litres of Chief Waragi and other cartons of leading waragi and local gin commonly known as Kanyanga.

"The driver was transporting them from Kagitumba border to Rwagitima town in Rugarama sector. We arrested him in the wee hours,” a police officer at Kabarore police post, said.

Police said that the vehicle was stopped and its driver, Ephraim Byamungu, arrested.

Speaking to The Sunday Times, Byamungu said that he was unaware of what he was transporting.

"The vehicle was loaded late at night. I just didn’t know what I was going to carry,” he said.

However, speaking to reporters, Police spokesperson, Supt. Theos Badege, thanked residents for continued collaboration in cracking down on dealers in illicit brew.

"This vehicle was stopped after a tipoff from residents. The Rwanda National Police thanks all who continue to show their exceptional efforts to fight these crimes,” he said.
