Zeus in trouble

The reason why you don’t see him here now is that he has gone to his home in order to hide some of the slaves he captured; he took four, two young girls and two boys, although one of them is almost a grown up.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The reason why you don’t see him here now is that he has gone to his home in order to hide some of the slaves he captured; he took four, two young girls and two boys, although one of them is almost a grown up.

But of course we cannot be sure, let us wait and see what he brings along with him.” after a short period of time, Zeus came with the two young slaves he had captured, totally without knowing that his fellow raiders were making bad plans against him.

When the others saw him coming, they began to say, "Aha there is Zeus coming with only two young slaves, this means that he has hidden the other two, has he? When Zeus reached the king, he bowed (bent) to greet the king, but the king did not reply.

In the whole company, there was no person who said a single word to him, each one kept looking at him, and his enemies were very happy. After a short time, the king said "Zeus why are you so late in presenting yourself before me?”

He replied "save your majesty, I went to my house in order to tie my horse, and change my clothes, before coming to your palace.”

The king said "I see! How many slaves did you take?”

Zeus said "two” the king said "right, are you sure you took only two?”

Do you agree that if I find out that you took more than two, I should do whatever I like to you?” Zeus said "most certainly, I agree.”

To be continued in the next issue.