60 police officers tour Kigali Memorial Centre

60 police officers from 10 African countries and the Scandinavian trio of Norway, Denmark and Sweden currently undergoing a United Nations pre-deployment course in Musanze, yesterday, toured Kigali Memorial Centre to pay tribute to victims of  the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Sunday, August 28, 2011
The police officers laying wreaths at the Kigali Genocide Memorial centre. Courtesy Photo

60 police officers from 10 African countries and the Scandinavian trio of Norway, Denmark and Sweden currently undergoing a United Nations pre-deployment course in Musanze, yesterday, toured Kigali Memorial Centre to pay tribute to victims of  the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

After laying wreaths on the mass graves, participants were guided through various sections of the centre to learn how the Genocide was planned and executed.

Superintendent George Ouku from Kenya and the team leader of the participants, said that what happened in Rwanda is totally inhuman and the world needs to learn from Rwanda and put preventive mechanisms so that it never happens elsewhere in the world.

Assistant Superintendent Edith Swebe from the Tanzania Police Force, observed that respecting human rights is one of the pillar principles that need to be safeguarded by all countries so that Genocide never happens against.
