Coffee Break : Neighbour Diaries: Moving out of home

IMoved out of home today. Yes, I moved out the second time from home. No, I didn’t go back home because I had failed to live by myself, or that I missed my mom. Sure, I did miss her, she is my mom after all, but the reason I went back home was because I needed a break from everything. Life had reached a point where I needed to take a seat, catch my breath before I jumped back into the fight. And what better place to reset your energies than home!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

IMoved out of home today. Yes, I moved out the second time from home. No, I didn’t go back home because I had failed to live by myself, or that I missed my mom. Sure, I did miss her, she is my mom after all, but the reason I went back home was because I needed a break from everything. Life had reached a point where I needed to take a seat, catch my breath before I jumped back into the fight. And what better place to reset your energies than home!

But, well, I needed to be on the move again. The biggest reason was because I could now afford it. And I could afford it because of Jojo! That girl had come into my life and totally turned it upside down. We are now "dating”, if that can be used to describe our situation. See, Jojo did all the chasing here. I really tried to run away, but one by one, she eliminated all her competition (my girlfriends, and potential girlfriends). Diana simply told me she was totally fed up of my lack of seriousness, and begged me to leave her alone.

 Some other girl I met at the bar made a mistake of calling me one time, and Jojo answered the phone. Whatever Jojo told her, I will never know because when I met her the next time, she told me to stay away from her, and even threatened to call the police. When I ask Jojo what happened, she gives me that shady smile, and just laughs. So, right now, Jojo is the woman in my life. And she is not being shy about it.

One day, after a long tiring day, I went to my account to withdraw the last money I had to buy something.  And when I got there, what I saw made me wonder if I was so tired that my mind was running crazy. I had never had that much money on my account, even after two years of working and saving! The question was where had it all come from? I called our accountant at work and asked her. She said she hadn’t deposited any money on my account. But she suggested she could trace for me the sources. So, I waited impatiently, wondering what was going on.

About an hour later, our accountant called me and told me that it was a wire transfer. From where? The central bank! I couldn’t recognize the account she was telling me about. I left the money there and went home. That same night, talking to a friend of mine, I asked him if he knew that name that had sent me money. After laughing for what seemed like ages, he said, "yes, everyone knows them! They own the entire city!” and slowly, the answers started coming. I realized who he was talking about; Jojo! Jojo had sent me that money! I already knew she came from a wealthy family, but I didn’t know they were that well known.

I didn’t call her. I didn’t know what to do. The truth is I needed the money. But that money wasn’t explained for, I dint know what she was up to. And knowing Jojo, she could have been up to anything! So, even when she called me, I didn’t bring it up. Later that evening, she called me and told me she had got for me an apartment, and I should go and pay for it. Then I saw the trick; she had put the money on my account so that I can pay for the house myself. I refused, but she simply laughed. She knew I couldn’t resist it. In the end, I agreed, and moved into my new home. Although, I wasn’t sure whose home it was really because, she had paid for it, bought most of the furniture, and even stocked the fridge for me. That’s how I ended up moving out of my mom’s home, into some girl’s home!
