Business Perspective : Investing in Rwanda is good tidings

Last week was a good week for Rwanda and I am very proud of these achievements. Mind Speak was in Rwanda last week, the man behind this successful project is Ally Khan Satchu. The guest speaker was our very own President H.E Paul Kagame.

Saturday, August 27, 2011
Kigali city

Last week was a good week for Rwanda and I am very proud of these achievements. Mind Speak was in Rwanda last week, the man behind this successful project is Ally Khan Satchu. The guest speaker was our very own President H.E Paul Kagame.

Also present in the house were media personalities Allan Kasujja from Uganda who was also the master of ceremony, from Kenya were Eve d’ Souza and Terry Ann Chebet among other guests who accompanied the Mind Speak crew. It was a mind boggling and hilarious session for me, watching the entire live broadcast at home with my daughter.

Young men and women came up with all sorts of questions which they posed directly to the President and he answered each with clarity. Now what excited me and many others like my writer friend and teacher per excellence Allan Brian Ssenyonga, was the fact that for the first time Mind Speak was held outside Kenya. For me this was a historical moment for Rwanda to have hosted Mind Speak. Congratulations once again Mr. President for breaking the norm that was with Mind Speak.

Also Rwanda was named among the best countries to invest in. This news could not have come at an opportune time! As our brothers and sisters are globe trotting looking for greener pastures elsewhere, a gold mine is discovered in our backyard-experts telling the world to invest in Rwanda. In fact the few friends that I have who are non Rwandans have fallen head over heels in love with Rwanda for the opportunities that came knocking their way immediately they set foot in our country of a thousand hills. If you ask around, most of these people came to Rwanda by bus and are now business executives flying first class, now this is what it means doing business in Rwanda.

The police force has not been left behind either. Two police officers showed our visitors what it means to live in Rwanda. Two foreigners lost their monies at the airport and both of them recovered all their monies intact and were given to them by the police authorities at the airport. Now what better country to do business and to live in than Rwanda?  

The courtesy in the public offices is not to be forgotten either, I am not aware of any other country which registers a business and a certificate is issued not later than seventy two hours. This, to be honest, is something new to many foreigners. Kigali is also among the safest towns in Africa, ask any investor and the first thing they want to be assured of in a country they want to invest in is their safety first and other things follow.

As of now, anybody looking for a place to invest in, Rwanda should be on top of your list. Yes we have come along way to get where we are now, but we have managed because of the determination of our leaders to put our country on the map. There is a Swahili word which goes by "kutangulia sio kufika” which literary means that being the first one to take off from the start line does not necessarily mean that you will be the first on the finish line. Welcome to Rwanda where doing business is our pleasure.