I hate people who…

…insist on eavesdropping on other people’s conversations.I am seriously trying to look for a loophole in the law that can allow me to slap someone in public without having any trouble with the police.  I have noticed how tough it is to conduct a conversation on phone without someone taking interest in things that clearly do not concern them.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

…insist on eavesdropping on other people’s conversations.

I am seriously trying to look for a loophole in the law that can allow me to slap someone in public without having any trouble with the police.

I have noticed how tough it is to conduct a conversation on phone without someone taking interest in things that clearly do not concern them.

People stopping what they are doing to listen as I talk to my colleague or my mother on the phone is quite disturbing. Don’t you have things to do other than nodding your head to a conversation that does not concern you?

…take forever to complete a construction job.

Sometime back I was boiling with fury as many of the roads in the city centre were being fixed, dug up and fixed again before being dug up once more and fixed again! It appears the people with this annoying habit have not totally disappeared.

There are those amateurs who were given the job to fix the short section of a road that goes to Stipp Hotel in Kiyovu. A section of just 300 metres and the guys are taking for ever!

As if that is not enough, they have decided to put huge humps that look like one of the a thousand hills of this country. They did not bother to put marks to warn drivers of these humps.

…refuse to pick up their calls or even turn off their phones.

I am not talking about those who forget to switch them off during a meeting. I am talking about the people whose brains seem to be on an everlasting vacation.

The ones, who will hear their phone ringing, look at the caller ID and then ignore the phone. Arguing that the person calling them is just ‘disturbing’ them. Wake up joker; we are not the ones who told you to borrow money that you do not want to pay back. So now we have to suffer listening to that annoying ring tone of yours, "Ashawo Aswaho..”

…assume you are going somewhere each time they see you.

 Whoever told the Moto guys that it is cool to make assumptions about everyone deserves a beating with a piece of mining equipment.

I am sick and tired of these guys always shouting when they see me, "Boss tugyende? Grand frere, tugyende se? What is this rubbish? I think I am old enough to let you know if I need a moto or not. And what if I am simply interested in just walking home? Quit making assumptions regarding my travel plans. And I am not your boss neither am I your brother. Let me walk in peace, please.  

…pimp their motorcycles making them mobile nuisances.

This is indeed a joke taken too far. Have you guys seen these brainless chaps with motorcycles pimpled with green lights and even go ahead to install a music system?

At the end of the day the motorcycle looks like a moving Christmas tree! To make it worse, they move around playing loud music that makes them unable to know when a prospective passenger tries to call them.

Can someone please tell these chaps that there is a difference between a motorcycle and a Nyamirambo bound taxi? And for some reason when you sit on such a motorcycle the brainless chap thinks he is in a race and decides to speed around dangerously playing with your life. Total rubbish!

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293