Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia,I have been married to my husband for four years and we do not have children as yet. My husband has a very good job but very demanding, I rarely get to see him and even when he is at home he is seated at his computer doing his research work for his PhD. He says that he will have more time for me when he has attained his PhD. I feel very lonely and unloved, that I am thinking of getting out of my marriage.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dear Aunt Silvia,
I have been married to my husband for four years and we do not have children as yet. My husband has a very good job but very demanding, I rarely get to see him and even when he is at home he is seated at his computer doing his research work for his PhD. He says that he will have more time for me when he has attained his PhD. I feel very lonely and unloved, that I am thinking of getting out of my marriage.


Dear Fiyette,
Show me which woman does not want to have a successful husband. Ever heard of behind every successful man there is a woman? What is wrong with you, any woman in her right mind would give anything to be in your shoes and give her man all the support he needs to be even more successful and you are thinking of getting out because you claim not to have enough time with your husband? The world today has become so competitive, that in every corner of the world people are going to school like never before to add knowledge and papers that are needed in every job.

The world is now man eats man. You have to be on top of your game to be able to survive and climb the corporate ladder to achieve your life dreams, so adding knowledge is the only way to go.

It might be difficult to be home alone most of the time, but don’t you think you are acting out of selfishness here? This man rarely has time for himself, because he is working hard to secure the future of his family and you are complaining?

At this time of your husband’s life he does not need a wife who is nagging and complaining about not having enough time together at the expense of your future, he needs a person who is going to support him be even more successful.

 You have your entire lives together to spend all the time you need in the world. Wake up and smell the coffee girl, marriage does not evolve around your bedroom only. It is more than just having time to make babies.

A drop of advice to you my dear is that you look for something to do in your free time. If you are not working you can look for a job or if you are already working, then just enrol yourself in an institution where you can study part time and make use of the extra time that you so much have to yourself.
Count your blessings, be happy and thankful to the Lord for giving you such a husband who not only has a good job but is working hard to secure your future as well. Time is nigh, learn a new trade and occupy yourself. Love your husband unconditionally and give him all the support that he needs. Walking out of your marriage will not help you with anything, instead you might live to regret this decision that you are about to make for the rest of your life.

What is better here? To have a husband who is working hard to provide for you now and secure your future or to have a husband who has all the time in the world to make babies, who has no future neither does he provide? The ball is in your court to choose what you think is right for you.
