Eliminating NTBS will promote economic integration

Editor,As an East African, it is frustrating that some member states of the East African Community have eliminated Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs) while others have not. NTBs, do not only slow down businesses but they  also affect the integration process. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Removing non tariff barriers will spur regional economic development. The New Times / File.


As an East African, it is frustrating that some member states of the East African Community have eliminated Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs) while others have not.

NTBs, do not only slow down businesses but they  also affect the integration process. 
For instance, a transit truck using the Central Corridor from Dar es Salaam to Rwanda is required to go through 28 roadblocks in Tanzania.

And, even with seals confirming that the vehicle has been checked, drivers must still stop.This slows the process, and any time lost is money lost too.

Getting rid of NTBs, is possible and I would like to urge all countries to make this a priority. If the political will is there, nothing should stop the process.

As a region that is spearheading campaigns to attract investments and promote businesses, we have to remain competitive. And one way of doing this is removing the bottle necks that slow down businesses.

We have debated a lot  the disadvantages of the NTBs, it’s time to act.

Anthony B Kanya