Over 200 youth trained in HIV prevention

210 students from various secondary schools across the country Friday completed a two-days training in HIV/Aids prevention. Organized by Amahoro Association-an umbrella organisation of youths living with HIV, the training aims at creating awareness so that students

Sunday, August 21, 2011

210 students from various secondary schools across the country Friday completed a two-days training in HIV/Aids prevention.

Organized by Amahoro Association-an umbrella organisation of youths living with HIV, the training aims at creating awareness so that students can protect themselves and others from HIV transmission.

One of the trainees, a student at G.S St Phillipe Nezi, Betty Manishimwe, said that the training exposed her to general knowledge about HIV/Aids.

"Based on what we learnt, I am now aware of the various ways through which I can contract the HIV virus and therefore I am able to protect myself,” Manishimwe said.

She explained that it is also advisable to go for HIV testing to know one’s sero-status.

Moise Ndacyayisenga, a student at G.S Kagugu, said that the training enabled them realize the need to help people living with HIV.

"Among other measures, we are meant to give extra care to people living with HIV, associate with them so that they do not feel discriminated against in society,” Ndacyayisenga said.

The president of Amahoro association, Aphrodisiac Ndagijimana, promised that the association will continue creating HIV awareness amongst students especially during holidays.

Ndagijimana noted that during that time, some students are idle and may be forced into affairs that may lead into contracting HIV.

 "In addition to HIV prevention training, students are also sensitized on general life knowledge, including hygiene, discipline and hard work.
