The United States Ambassador-at-Large for war crimes issues, on Friday, held discussions with the Minister of Defence in light of the continued threat posed by the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) terrorist organization to people in the region.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The United States Ambassador-at-Large for war crimes issues, on Friday, held discussions with the Minister of Defence in light of the continued threat posed by the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) terrorist organization to people in the region.

The outfit, currently holed up in the jungles of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has been severely degraded as a result of joint efforts by the Rwanda and DRC defense forces.

As noted, keeping up pressure on FDLR, will help diminish their capacity to make war, rape and kill civilians.

Indeed, pressure has led to many FDLR commanders, militia members and their families giving up and returning home.

International efforts have led to the arrest and ongoing trials of several leaders of the organization. It is important that many others, who are involved in the same terror activities, are investigated, identified and sanctioned for their actions.

It is critical that beyond the United Nations as well as non state actors, including international
multilateral organizations, treat the FDLR for what it is, a terrorist organization. Strengthening international partnerships will help defeat FDLR one and for all.

International cooperation in this effort will help bring down the FDLR by cutting off its support network and capacity to generate money to finance their terrorism.
