Society : The effects of alcohol on the gastro-intestinal system

The gastro-intestinal system is the system of the body starting from the mouth and extending up to the anus. It is concerned with swallowing, transit and digestion of food, absorption of nutrients and disposal of waste matter. Thus it is a very important system to maintain the overall physical health of the body.

Saturday, August 20, 2011
Used frequently,alcohol tends to cause ulceration and inflammation of the tongue /Internet Photo

The gastro-intestinal system is the system of the body starting from the mouth and extending up to the anus. It is concerned with swallowing, transit and digestion of food, absorption of nutrients and disposal of waste matter. Thus it is a very important system to maintain the overall physical health of the body.

The working of the digestive system is deranged by many substances, but among them alcohol happens to be the one causing extensive damage. Alcohol is one of the oldest abused substances in history of mankind. It is easily accessible to the majority of people. Different kinds of liquors are available, for every interested person. Thus the number of users becomes high automatically.

Once you take the first sip, alcohol enters the gastrointestinal tract. Used frequently, it tends to cause ulceration and inflammation of the tongue (glossitis).  Whether this is due to direct effect of alcohol or due to vitamin B12 deficiency caused by alcohol is not clear. Tooth decay and gum problems are seen with regular alcohol use. It also causes inflammation of the parotid gland which produces saliva to aid in proper mixing of food chewed in the mouth. 

In the food pipe or esophagus, alcohol causes corrosion of the protective covering of the esophagus. This causes a sense of burning in the middle of the chest. Long standing esophagitis can lead to cancer which becomes a point of no return. In severe cases, it can cause tear of the esophagus, which is manifested as severe, excruciating pain and blood mixed vomiting. This is a medical emergency and one can die if treatment is delayed. Blood mixed vomiting can also occur due to engorgement of the blood vessels of the esophagus which occurs due to damage of the liver by alcohol.

The stomach is another part which suffers much damage due to alcohol.  Those consuming alcohol regularly suffer from chronic gastritis, i.e. pain in the upper part of the stomach which is aggravated after eating. This is associated with nausea and bilious vomiting. Gastritis occurs due to direct damage to the protective covering of the mucosal lining of the stomach. If this condition persists, one can develop a peptic ulcer and even malignancy.

Chronic alcohol consumption results in inflammation of the pancreas.  One feels severe excruciating pain in the upper abdomen, which is relieved by stooping forwards.

The liver is the body part most damaged by alcohol. It is the part which tries to detoxify alcohol and hence bears the brunt of its ill effects. Initially there is deposition of fat in the liver due to alcohol. As one continues to consume alcohol, there is irreversible destruction of the liver tissues, a condition known as cirrhosis. Cirrhosis of the liver itself results in many physical complications in the body and ultimately leads to brain damage, coma and death. Alcohol is also a risk factor for cancer of the liver.

The intestines are also not spared by alcohol.  It interferes with the absorption of necessary nutrients from the intestines. It also interferes with the release of enzymes from the intestines, thus interfering with digestion and metabolism of other substances. Alcohol causes diarrhea by increasing the motility of the intestines.

Thus after reading this long story, one can realize how alcohol can damage the intake, digestion and absorption of vital nutrients of food, all of which is essential to maintain good health.  This coupled with loss of appetite and frequent vomiting damages one’s health further. In case of emergencies arising like blood mixed vomiting or severe abdominal pain, a person is rushed to the hospital and much money as well as time is spent in saving his life. Even if he survives, he has to continue visits to the hospital for one medical ailment or another.

All this suffering can be simply avoided by avoiding alcohol. A person addicted to alcohol can make efforts to give it up, the sooner the better. While giving up alcohol, it is vital to take necessary nutrients to make up for the lack of essential nutrients.

Thus gradually the alcohol addict can regain his lost health.

Dr. Rachna Pande is specialist, internal medicine-Ruhengeri Hospital