Coffee Break : To Dream Is Free

It is always said that young people are the leaders of the future. In this 21st century the future is already here and the opportunities that technology and globalization have brought us, give every individual the power to lead from anywhere we wish to, to be anything we want. The beautiful part of it is that one does not have to be the son of the richest person in the world to be able to be anything you want. You simply need to have an idea.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

It is always said that young people are the leaders of the future. In this 21st century the future is already here and the opportunities that technology and globalization have brought us, give every individual the power to lead from anywhere we wish to, to be anything we want. The beautiful part of it is that one does not have to be the son of the richest person in the world to be able to be anything you want. You simply need to have an idea.

In this world, in every corner of it, there are millions and millions of ideas, some good, some bad, some mediocre and some great sounding, but each of us needs to find their own idea that they can own, believe in and take it to fruition. Your idea does not need to be a new invention or totally unheard off. It just needs to be unique and make sense to others. It should bring value to other people. It can be a modification of an existing idea that works much better. It should be able to meet an unsatisfied need. Look what facebook did to myspace and what twitter is doing to facebook. Imagine what yahoomail did to hotmail and what Gmail is doing to yahoomail. What about how western union killed the money order, then mobile money comes in? What about internet enabled mobile phones and their effect on internet cafes or even MTN hotspot and internet modems of all kinds. Even PC’s are falling to the mighty power of notebooks, laptops, smart phones and tablets.

It does not stop at ICT. Think how Kigali Bus Service (KBS) has revolutionized transport in Kigali with its per day – per trip tickets and how many others have followed cue, even copying its routes or how the new motorcycle with trailers are slowly giving options to transport of goods in Kigali that was dominated by more expensive pick up  trucks.

Such ideas are the things that make the stuff of dreams. When one finds their idea, they should think about it, sleep on it, and dream about it until every single pore in their selves is screaming that dream. Dreams are free, but very invaluable. Dreams are the tools that will turn a good idea to a real innovation. Dreams transform an idea into a belief, a matter of faith and conviction from a simple matter of physical and mental will.

Dreams are not just thoughts that run through your brain when you are asleep, but those crazy cravings that make you talk to yourself in the middle of the day like a man gone mad, make you see yourself achieving you wildest dream when even the first brick of your idea has not been laid, drives you through the processing turning an idea into a finished product even when everything else around you is telling you – it’s impossible, you are crazy, it will never work.

You don’t need capital, "connections,” or a PHD to dream.  Remember, to dream is free. All you need is a strong personal will to change the circumstances of your life. If those circumstances are poverty you have got to learnt to train yourself seeing the money in your hands. You have to start to behave like the rich man you want to be in order for the money to come to you by your own means. If your wish is to earn that job promotion you have to visualize yourself in your new position and start behaving like you are already there. It will not take long for your superiors to notice this small person who behaves like a leader, who performs like a star who obviously requires a better position so that the organization can harness this additional zeal, and ability. Dreams are what make you. So what is your dream?

This Sunday, dream your way to what you aspire to be!