“This Wild World”

There is this good old African proverb, “never laugh at your neighbor  when he becomes a beggar because, tomorrow you could be one”; as it goes, what you do could end up back firing on you!  Always know that, whatever goes round comes round, just like a boomerang.  Much as we try having our own values, the so called vanguards of this world have always tried to inculcate their own at the detriment of ours. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

There is this good old African proverb, "never laugh at your neighbor  when he becomes a beggar because, tomorrow you could be one”; as it goes, what you do could end up back firing on you! 

Always know that, whatever goes round comes round, just like a boomerang.  Much as we try having our own values, the so called vanguards of this world have always tried to inculcate their own at the detriment of ours. 

There is nobody who does not know differentiating good from evil or good from bad but  now that, they are at the receiving end, they talk sternly spitting all the fire they can.  You might be wondering as to what is going on, yes, we have been swallowing the bitter pills long enough, let the

manufacturers also have their turn to only taste them! There is this common perception that, Africa was the "Dark Continent”, where darkness signifies all sorts of evils.  The world order has been lopsided such that, it is the developed West vs the primitive South,

full stop.  The other night, I was shocked to see horrific and savage actions being carried out in the heart of London (supposed to be the epitome of civilization).  Buildings and motor vehicles had been set ablaze; shops were being looted, blah, blah, blah!  It was like a scene in a science fiction movie. 

Had I been watching a TV channel like Zimbabwe TV or TV Libya, I would have thought it was mere propaganda bent on "black painting” the west; but here I was, watching their own BBC TV and all the scenes were coming in live, it was real and not propaganda!

The West is always busy trying to shape the world not as it should be but just the way they think it ought to be; this creates distortions  here and there. 

Watching the scores of young people happily strolling London and the other cities by night, breaking into shops, engaging in looting orgies, one is left with no option but wonder as to whether England had returned to the "Dark Ages”. 

The other year, when Kenyan turned on each other after the disputed Presidential elections or the violence that engulfed Kampala during the walk to work protests or the xenophobic violence a few years ago in Johannesburg, the West simply called it an African trait, where the "savages were eating each other”!

Now, I cannot help smiling a little, maybe, the whole human race is the same eh!  I suppose, there colour of our skins no longer matters at all. As a matter of fact, we all aspire for the good things in life irrespective of being Black, Coloured or White. 

Let no one deceive the other that we are different in any way.  I suppose, the differences  lie in the fact that, the former "woke up” before the later and hence had a head start, but as we move along, the latter could catch-up and when

that threatens to happen, the former is not amused at all!  This helps to send the point home that, Africans are not savages after all, it is this wild world we live in that tends to push us to the extreme! 

High prices of this or that have been the order of the day but now that the whole world is in the same boat, let us wait and see what happens next! I am not the least amused by what is happening in the UK, I do condemn it in the strongest terms. 

They too should realise that we hate being in such situations and are not the only "savages” after all! Yes, after all, we are all living in This Wild World!
