I hate people who…

…start on things they cannot finish.  I wish I knew the name of the person in charge but whoever is the boss at Rwanda television, I hate you. Yes I said it! My job is to hate and I really hate the person who lets Rwanda TV to show movies and cut them off before they end. Why do you start something you cannot finish? Do you know how annoying it is to sit and watch a movie then it suddenly goes off even before the film star has killed all the bad guys?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

…start on things they cannot finish.

 I wish I knew the name of the person in charge but whoever is the boss at Rwanda television, I hate you. Yes I said it! My job is to hate and I really hate the person who lets Rwanda TV to show movies and cut them off before they end.

Why do you start something you cannot finish? Do you know how annoying it is to sit and watch a movie then it suddenly goes off even before the film star has killed all the bad guys?

Makes you feel those bad guys are still out there to get us the good people. If you cannot show the whole movie then I suggest you close the station so we can all go to bed early.  

…never have a clear programme of what they do.

Of course I am organised since every Sunday I do my job of hating while others go to church or sleep after drinking too much the night before. But I really hate those who never have a programme to show what they are doing or going to do.

I am talking about the guys at Rwanda television. How come you have no TV guide? Your programmes are like lotteries. We have to be lucky to find an interesting programme and even when watching it you have no idea of what will come next.

I always try to be patriotic by watching our national TV service but you guys make it so hard. Style up and get a TV guide, its 2011 not 1993.

…start random conversations with strangers in commuter taxis.

 Each time I enter a commuter taxi, all I want is to get to my destination in peace and in time. However it is always here that I find people who deserve more than being written about here. They need to serve jail time. I am talking of people who always want to chat with you yet they do not know you and are not even going to pay your fare.

I thought I had entered a taxi to get home not a chat room to listen or contribute to a topic like the transfer of Cesc Fabregas from Arsenal FC to FC Barcelona. I am just a passenger not a participant in lousy debates.

…pretend to be stars yet they cannot even sing.

I have nothing against my Tanzanian brothers except the guy called Hemedi, one of the participants in the recently concluded Tusker All Stars competition. This dude failed to sing the whole time.

He kept trying to confuse us with his so called Swag of carrying an umbrella and wearing shades indoors! As if this was not enough he even had the guts to claim that he was Africa’s Michael Jackson. If I was not busy hating, I would go and try to teach him how to sing.

…think they should sing along to music in a public taxi.

Ever been in a taxi and a nice song comes on the radio and some fool decides he will sing along to the disgust of other? Oh I hate these people so much. Instead of letting you listen one decides to sing along off tone.

The radio in the taxi is there so that passengers can listen to music not for you to practice your absent singing skills. It is ok to sing in your bathroom at home but totally annoying to do it off key in a taxi. You are there to be taken to your destination not to make other passengers sleep due to boredom or to endure the pain of listening to your lousy off key voice.

Please do the world a favour and keep your mouth shut. That way the world will be a more peaceful place.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293